Let’s be real though: kids get bored, especially if they’re just jumping up and down again and again. Did you know there are different games to play on a trampoline to keep kids entertained?
There are several benefits that trampolines offer to kids that I’ll get more into later on. When you add games to it, you can help your little ones burn off even more energy, turning the experience into a full-blown workout. The best part is that since they’re playing games, they won’t even realize they’re exercising.
Don’t worry if you’re unsure where to start. I’ve come up with a number of common games your kids will love playing.
Fun Trampoline Games to Play
The benefits of a trampoline are seemingly endless, more so when you add interesting and fun games. Although there are countless of activities, I’ve detailed the more common ones to get them started on.
1. Ring Around the Rosie
This spins the classic children’s nursery rhyme and game on its head, and it’s one that kids of almost any age can participate in.
1.1. What do you need:
- Trampoline Size:
- Medium to Large
- Number of Kids:
- 3+
- Recommended Age:
- 2-years-old and up
- Items Needed:
- None
How to Play: The kids form a circle near the middle of the trampoline and hold hands. They begin walking in a circle and chant, “Ring around the Rosie, pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down!” From there, kids can take turns in choosing different ways to fall down.
2. Air Dodgeball
What kid doesn’t love dodgeball? Well, truth be told, there are probably some kids who aren’t jumping up and down with joy to play the game. However, if your child likes it, consider adding this game to their trampoline time.
2.1. What do you need:
- Trampoline Size:
- Small to Large
- Number of Kids:
- 1+
- Recommended Age:
- 3-years-old and up
- Items Needed:
- Soft ball that’s small to medium-sized
How to Play: There are different ways to play. If there’s just one child jumping, you or another kid can toss the ball at them as the hop around the trampoline trying to dodge or catch the ball. When there are multiple children, you can use a handful of balls instead for the kids to toss at each other while they jump. Separating them into teams can make it more interesting.
3. Barrel Jump
This is a simple enough game to play. It’s easier and safer if the smallest or youngest child starts out being the barrel first as the other child can jump over them without difficulty.
3.1. What do you need:
- Trampoline Size:
- Medium to Large
- Number of Kids:
- Recommended as a 2-person game
- Recommended Age:
- 2-years-old and up
- Items Needed:
- None
How to Play: One player lies down on the trampoline and rolls around, trying to run into the other player and knock them down. The standing player must avoid the barrel by running and jumping over them.
4. Dead Man Rise
As this can be played with a handful of kids at a time, it’s best to have a larger trampoline that can comfortably fit them all. It’s a fun activity that keeps kids moving without them actually jumping.
4.1. What do you need:
- Trampoline Size:
- Medium to Large
- Number of Kids:
- 3-6
- Recommended Age:
- 5-years-old and up
- Items Needed:
- None
How to Play: One child’s the “dead man”, and they’ll lie in the middle of the trampoline with their eyes closed. Everyone else counts to 10 and shouts, “Dead man rise!” The “dead man” keeps their eyes closed and crawls or walks around to grab someone. Everyone else runs to avoid them, but to make it more challenging, you can tell them they’re not allowed to jump over the “dead man”. When someone is touched, they then become the “dead man” and the game starts again.
Alternative Way to Play: Kids can repeat some sort of rhyme or chant if they don’t want to count to 10.

5. Crazy Counting
Not only can this be a fun way to entertain kids, but it can help younger ones work on their counting skills. It’s straightforward enough and something they can play multiple times and not get bored.
5.1. What do you need:
- Trampoline Size:
- Medium to Large
- Number of Kids:
- 4+
- Recommended Age:
- 4-years-old and up
- Items Needed:
- None
How to Play: One child stands in the middle of the trampoline, closes their eyes, and counts to 10. The other players quickly move around until the “it” player stops counting and opens their eyes. Whoever the player looks at first becomes “it”, and the game continues on.
6. 1-2-3 Sit!
This game can take trampoline jumping to another level, but just be cautious that the kids don’t get too close to the edge as they may fall out.
6.1. What do you need:
- Trampoline Size:
- Medium to Large
- Number of Kids:
- 2+
- Recommended Age:
- 3-years-old and up
- Items Needed:
- None
How to Play: Everyone stands a safe distance apart from each other on the trampoline. Someone, or everyone, begins counting from 1-3. On each number, the kids jump in sync. After “3”, someone yells “sit!” and everyone sits on the bottoms. The more players involved, the higher the kids may bounce if they all sit down at the same time. They can repeat the process as often as they’d like.
7. Hot Potato
Another classic game kids will love is hot potato. The trampoline enhances the game with the jump aspect added to it.
7.1. What do you need:
- Trampoline Size:
- Medium to Large
- Number of Kids:
- 3-6
- Recommended Age:
- 5-years-old and up
- Items Needed:
- Anything soft and small enough to throw like a ball, stuffed animal, etc.
How to Play: All players must start jumping, and another one or a parent can throw a ball in for one to catch. The kids have to keep jumping and pass the ball at the same time. A player is out of the game if they stop jumping, drop the ball, or if they stop jumping in order to catch the ball. The game’s over when only one child is left standing with the ball.
Benefits of Jumping on a Trampoline
Kids and trampoline go together well once you consider all the benefits that go along with jumping.
1. Energy-Burner
This may be among the obvious benefits of a trampoline, but all that running and jumping can tire the little ones out. The best trampoline is one that helps your child safely release some of that pent-up energy. Once you add in some of the games I’ve mentioned, your kid becomes even more active, which helps them burn through energy so that your child won’t be bouncing off the walls at home instead.
2. Exercise

It is important for children to exercise, but exercise isn’t something that all kids enjoy as it may seem like too much work. When you add something that’s fun like a trampoline, they don’t consider themselves exercising when they use it. Instead, they’re just playing like they would with any of their other toys.
3. Improve Physical Skills
There are numerous of skills kids develop as they grow, and a major one is motor skills. It’s normal for kids to be a bit awkward when it comes to jumping, walking, running, and anything else, really. With a trampoline, they use their entire body to balance(vestibular development) themselves as they move. Adding a game element like dodgeball or hot potato can help their hand-eye coordination as well.
4. Muscle Development
Beyond helping kids with their balance and motor skills, jumping on a trampoline pushes their muscles enough to help children build up strength. Trampoline use may also help your child improve their bone density, which is important to their overall health while they grow and develop.
5. Improve Posture
One of the benefits of jumping on a trampoline that some parents might overlook is how it impacts your child’s posture. As your kid hops around the trampoline, they’re forced to use several muscles like their core muscles to stay upright. This can have a positive impact on their overall posture as you may notice them naturally standing straighter when they’re off the trampoline.
6. Build Social Skills
One of the joys of playing fun games on a trampoline is the ability for your child to socialize. Whether that’s with siblings, parents, or friends, game time presents an opportunity for your kid to build upon those important social skills such as understanding rules, taking turns, and generally getting along with one another.
Final Thoughts
With all the games to play on a trampoline, you can help your child stay entertained while keeping them active and socializing with friends and family. The games I listed are merely a few of what you can do on a trampoline. You can always discover more, help your child come up with their own game to play, or add twists to the games I mentioned.
If you liked the tips given here, feel free to pass this along to your fellow parents to help them get ideas for their next family fun time on the trampoline.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
What trampoline should I buy?
When it comes to finding the best trampoline for kids, there doesn’t appear to be just one solid answer. What works better for one child may not be ideal for another. So, consider your child’s needs like their age, weight, and skill level to help determine which trampoline to choose.
What should I look for when buying a trampoline?
There are many factors to pay attention like safety features or weight limits. More detailed buyer’s guide you can find
Can you use chalk on a trampoline?
Yes. You can play “Chalk games”. Use some chalk to draw squiggly lines to follow, letters to match, numbers to jump, hopscotch, an obstacle course … anything!