A baby brings the couple closer to each other. It is also the time when they can justifiably call themselves a family. Most couples start preparing and planning for the baby once they become aware that the woman is pregnant.
It is important to be aware of the issues regarding preconception and childbirth when we discuss pregnancy.
It order to know detailed facts about childbirth and be well prepared, doctors advise couples to visit midwifes and/or physicians to ensure that everything is going well and that the baby is healthy. The mothers’ body undergoes tremendous changes during pregnancy and it is crucial to take precautions and be safe. Better to be safe than sorry!
Therefore, giving birth requires physical preparation as well.
What to Expect
A healthy caregiver will be beneficial to help explain all the tasks and requirements, needed to be taken to prepare the woman’s body for conception A doctor will also give detailed information about the possible problems in pregnancy.
A woman will need to observe certain precautions for ensuring a healthy baby, therefore, stress is quite normal. A woman can only be full calm and prepared for birth once she receives, and understands all the information about lifestyle changes, preconception and safety. As well as understanding the important of certain factors that are crucial for pregnancy such as the importance of folic acid and prenatal vitamin intake.
A woman’s lifestyle will undergo a change when preparing for pregnancy Smoking and the consumption of alcohol are strongly discouraged, and by not cutting these two factors, it possible to compromise the health of the newborn, as well as the mother
Woman evaluates weight during pregnancy. She might need to gain or lose weight depending on her build and height.

A fitness regime can be a good start to preparing for pregnancy. A woman should talk with a physician and agree on workout and nutrition requirements, to make sure she gets all the answers related to food and exercise during pregnancy.
How to Handle
A good way to assist and support the woman is knowing as much information as you can about early symptoms and stages of pregnancy. Different body parts of a woman perform specialized roles when it comes to pregnancy, and there are certain health conditions necessary for prospective parents. Make sure to also discuss this information and steps with your doctor also.
A couple also feels stress and anxiety because of the critical nature of the event in the couple’s life. It is normal for women to have a little preconception stress because of many factors such as sexuality, scheduling, self-esteem and a lot of others.
The couple should be confident about how to handle the child while preparing for pregnancy. It is beneficial to have information about early pregnancy symptoms because these symptoms are an indication of the progress of the pregnancy.
When the couple is confident that they are now ready for the pregnancy. A woman should visit the Gynecologist/Obstetrician to glean more information about pregnancy.
This is also the time when the couple can start using a pregnancy calendar to keep track of the pregnancy and birth of the child.
When women come to know that they are pregnant, it is normal to feel anxiety. Therefore spending more time with your husband and regular prenatal care by visits to OBGYN, and well-recommended exercise are highly encouraged, which also help to alleviate the stress. Trying to relax and stay calm should help deal with anxiety. The only worry that should be left should be what to name the new baby?
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
How early do pregnancy symptoms start?
It usually takes about 2 to 3 weeks after sex for the egg to be fertilized and pregnancy to occur. However, some notice pregnancy symptoms as early as a week after pregnancy begins — when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of your uterus. Other people don't notice symptoms until a few months into their pregnancy, and find out due to missed periods, a blood test or an ultrasound.