They share two other daughters: Alma and Maya.
When it comes to having kids, they say “three” is the most stressful number. This was proven in a 2013 survey joined by more than 7,000 U.S. moms—results came out that the most level of stress came from moms with three kids and not from those who have one or two or four or more kids.
Funny enough, the study showed it becomes a little easier when you have more than three children and the experts agree to that—having more makes you more confident with your parenting skills and perfectionism is no longer an issue you won’t be so obsessed to overprotect your child.
What’s causing all the stress? Factors like managing time and balancing workloads came out from the survey. Most moms say they lack time to do everything that needs to be done, on top of that, there’s a husband or a partner demanding attention (like a big kid), and then there’s the struggle to take care of their own needs. Whew!
We are confident, though, that our Wonder Woman Gal Gadot will make a wonderful mom of three.