Children also feel stressed and anxious. It’s a normal reaction when things or situations are overwhelming. With younger kids, anxiety often comes from separation from their parents or caregivers. Older kids get pressured with academic achievements and social interactions, particularly from fear of rejection. Parents divorcing, death of a loved one, arguments in the household, and even parents’ anxieties: all of these can cause them stress.
But don’t forget that some level of stress is normal such as feeling angry, sad, or scared—it’s okay to feel this way. So, don’t overreact if they become upset with an unfavorable situation, or force them to be happy when they are feeling sad. Instead, validate their feelings. Reassure them that you know they can very well handle the situation, whatever it may be.
With the world’s current situation, reports say there are children (young and teens) who are dealing with mental health issues. As parents, let’s support our children. Communication and quality time with them are a great way to handle it but don’t hesitate to get in touch with a health professional if you think they need more help.