Waiting to Be Grandparents
Pregnancy is a very sentimental topic, and while your parents will be thrilled to find out that they are going to be grandparents, it is still very important to validate their feelings and understand they might be shocked and maybe surprised. Here are a couple ways of breaking the news in good ways.
- Send them a card or present, by example a shirt or mug that says “World’s Greatest Grandparent”. Other hints, like hiding or gifting some baby clothes or toys.
- Take your mom shopping with you and visit baby stores
- Give them a picture frame decorated for a baby picture with a drawing of a baby or a note “To be filled in 6 months” to get them thinking about it and preparing.
- If you are close to a holiday dinner, make the announcement during a game (such as charades) or during a group picture. Another idea for a holiday or gathering, is to have everyone say the your due date, instead of cheese during a family picture – then tell them what the date means afterwards.
- A nice and simple idea would to send them a singing telegram or video/audio message of you guys telling them the news.
Coming Around
If you are in a position where your parents are not going to be happy about the event of your pregnancy, telling them can be harder. But it is still just as important to let them know.
The way you tell them will depend a lot on the relationship you already have with them as well.
Some women find it easier to tell one parent at a time, or even have the one parent break the news to the other. Here are some other options on how to break the news:
- Tell a trusted family friend or relative first, and have that person for support when telling your parents.
- Tell your parents with your family doctor present. This would require you to set up an appointment and get your parents to come along.
- Depending on how your parents react to the news at first, follow up with a writing in a note, and then talking to them soon after.
They may not have the positive, happy reaction you want at first. But for some you have to give your parents time to get used to the idea, and for them to think about it.
Remember that it was probably a shock for you at first too! But now you’ve had some time to get used to the idea, and have also probably done some pretty heavy thinking. So now it’s time to let your parents do the same.
Their reactions may differ over time as they get used to the idea. Eventually many parents come to accept the situation. Sometimes it takes longer than other times; it may even be after the baby is born. But all scenarios are acceptable, and it should still be a priority for you and your spouse to tell both of your parents, and not keep it a secret.
This is a time you need support, but if you muster patience, kindness, and understanding toward your parents who may be unhappy with your pregnancy, they very often come around.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
When should you tell your Parents that you are Pregnant?
Many parents-to-be wait until the end of the first trimester — around week 13 — to tell friends and family about their pregnancy. However, some do it earlier or later. Every situation is very unique and individual.
Is 6 weeks of Pregnancy too early to tell my Parents?
There are no rules to when you announce your pregnancy. Some women wait until they're 20 weeks, others can't wait to tell them the second they find out! Social norms can change and adapt, so if you want to unroll a banner on the bridge or put an announcement in the paper, it's up to you.