What is Body Contouring?
Body contouring is a non-invasive practice used to burn fat cells. The electrical device utilized in the procedure sends ultrasound and radiofrequency to target fat cells to dissolve them. According to many physicians, this treatment is much safer than other options such as liposuction. Unlike liposuction, downtime for non-surgical body contouring is minimal.
What Are the Different Types of Body Contouring?
Currently, we have 4 types of non-invasive body contouring. These 4 types are radiofrequency, laser therapy, ultrasound, and crylipolysis. The most common types between the mentioned four are radiofrequency and crylipolysis.
Why is Body Scluping Used?
People rely on this practice because they see that their exercise routine is not giving them satisfactory results. They also do not want surgery because it could lead to complications. It is important to note that even an extensive exercise program fails to impact certain areas of the body. This procedure would reduce fat cells in such areas, hence why many see body contouring as a reliable method in losing weight.
What Happens During Liposuction and other Surgical Body Contouring?
For liposuction, the patient needs to mentally prepare for significant downtime. Recovery following such a surgery would take at least a few days. The first step during this surgery is the injection of anesthesia. General anesthesia is seen as the safest option for such surgeries.
Following anesthesia, small incisions will be made on targeted regions for liposuction to take place. Your physician will insert a tube through the incisions to loosen the fat using a controlled back and forth motion. Subsequently, the loosened fat will be taken out of the body using a syringe attached to the tube. This surgery has major side effects which we will go over in later sections.
In terms of possible positive outcomes, this surgery is associated with immediate results.
What happens during non-surgical lipolysis?
Non-surgical lipolysis is mostly performed through lasering. For this procedure, no general anesthesia is needed as local anesthesia is more than enough to keep a patient comfortable throughout the duration of the procedure. This practice also has way fewer side effects than liposuction as it is minimally invasive. Following anesthesia, your physician will make a small incision on the targeted region and then insert the laser device inside under the skin. The laser will liquefy the fat inside the body and after all the fat is liquefied, the doctor will use a tube to extract all the fat from the body.

Body Contouring Before and After
Surgical methods aside, the advantages of non-surgical body contouring can be examined through before and after pictures.
What Are the Advantages of Body Sculpting?
By now you might have guessed that we recommend body contouring over surgical methods and that is true. You may ask what are the advantages of body contouring? For first as we mentioned, this is a non-invasive way to reduce fat and with that comes less risks. Some say surgical methods bring better results and we beg to differ! Body contouring may require more time in terms of providing positive results; however, results are guaranteed.
A very welcoming aspect of body contouring is its impact on wrinkles. Body contouring greatly reduces wrinkles and you with this alternative practice could enjoy youthful skin. Cellulites similar to wrinkles bring hell to people. It is nice when you get rid of them, and body contouring would help you sort that issue out. Body contouring tightens the skin to make it look smoother and younger.
Body contouring also helps with the dissolution of certain pockets of fats. Some fats just cannot be dissolved even through a proper diet and extensive exercise. Body contouring can target such fats and eliminate them with ease.
What Are the Risks or Complications of Liposuction?
There are a number of risks involved if you decide liposuction over body contouring. First of all, general anesthesia is utilized for liposuction and with that comes the known medical risks associated to it. In terms of recovery, the swelling is much worse than body contouring per reports.
In most cases liposuction patients have more bruises on their bodies than the patients of other methods. Minor side-effects aside, there could be major impact following a surgery. There have been reports on damages to deeper structures such as nerves, muscles, lungs, and abdominal organs. Also, there is this possibly of fluid accumulation which could be fata due to the fact that they make their way up to the brain in most cases that could result in brain strokes.
Infection is another possibility due to this surgery being invasive. It is also important to mention that it is very crucial where you receive your liposuction. Many people choose to travel other countries for a cheaper plastic surgery. This is a bad idea because your surgery could be carried out by an unqualified party. You should want to dig deep into the medical staff who are going to perform your surgery.
Overall, we do not recommend this method of fat reduction because of all the risks mentioned.
What is the Recovery Time After Body Contouring?
Recovery time is different for each treatment option. For instance, recovery from a surgery option would take you about two months. During this time period you also have to stay away from demanding physical work, as well as heavy exercises. For non-surgical options, your recovery period should be about two weeks. You are also free to exercise as much you want alongside demanding labour.
Let the body contouring team of experts at NewM Clinic be the key to your desired physical appearance!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How much weight do you lose with body contouring?
With a non-surgical treatment session, you can expect to lose between 10 to 40% of the fat cells in the targeted region.
How many sessions of body contouring can you do?
You can do about 2 to 4 sessions of body contouring overall.