Learn what’s happening in week 27 of pregnancy and find out how your baby is developing.
You’re 27 weeks pregnant and have now entered the seventh month of your pregnancy or the first month of your third trimester. Just 13 more weeks left till you finally meet your little one.
Your baby is the size of an eggplant and continues to grow rapidly while you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow a nutritious diet. Your body undergoes many changes and most of your symptoms of pregnancy are related to weight gain and hormone fluctuations.
What Happens in Your Body in Pregnancy Week 27?
One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy at 27 weeks is gassiness. You are probably experiencing lots of gassiness which makes you feel uncomfortable.
Gas during pregnancy is usually caused by the loss of muscle control around your rectum because of the pressure and weight of your growing baby. You might not be able to keep it to yourself because you don’t have the same control over your muscles.
Avoid foods that can cause gas such as:
- carbonated drinks;
- beans;
- broccoli;
- cauliflower;
- dairy products;
- and dried fruit.
At 27 weeks, you may also be experiencing frequent urination and bladder leakage when you sneeze. You’re probably having trouble sleeping at night because of leg cramps and your growing belly.
You can try some relaxation techniques to calm your body and mind before going to bed.
Nasal congestion is also one of the annoying pregnancy symptoms at 27 weeks. You can experience dizziness and lightheadedness which occur due to pressure on your blood vessels.
Changes in Your Body at 27 Weeks Pregnant
Your belly is growing faster every week in order to accommodate the baby growing inside you. Your body undergoes many changes at this stage.
Swelling of your feet, ankles and hands (known as edema) can become worse in the third trimester due to increased blood volume, fluid retention, and the growing uterus.
Edema is a temporary condition, but if you want to ease symptoms avoid standing or sitting for a long time and try some light exercise such as walking or swimming. Sleep with your feet elevated and drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated.
Fluid retention in your arms might lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, causing numbness and tingling sensations in your hands.
Your breasts keep changing throughout your pregnancy. Your areolae probably got darker in the first trimester. Now, the darkly pigmented skin may extend beyond the areola which is known as a secondary areola.
This is also a temporary change that will last up to 12 months after you give birth.
Your Baby at 27 Week of Pregnancy
By the end of your second trimester, your little one is now measuring nearly 14 inches. Your baby weighs over two pounds now and is able to recognize both your and your partner’s voices.
The fetal heartbeat is now strong enough, so if your partner presses his ear to your belly, he will be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat. Your baby’s taste buds are well developed, so for example, if you eat spicy food, the baby will be able to taste the difference in the amniotic fluid. Some babies respond to this new sensation by hiccupping.
Pregnancy Week 27 Tips
Follow a diet that contains huge amounts of protein, iron, vitamins A, B, C and D. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables including oranges, cranberries, avocados, kale, spinach, as well as lean meat and fish.
Keep your hands elevated above the rest of your body when lying down to drain the excess fluid and reduce the swelling in your legs and tingling in your hands.
Establish a regular bedtime routine and avoid watching TV right before going to bed.
Maintain a healthy diet throughout your pregnancy to avoid excess weight gain. Keep in mind that you only need 300 extra calories every day or 500 to 600 if you’re carrying twins.