32 Weeks of Pregnancy – How Many Months
The 32nd obstetric week of pregnancy corresponds to exactly eight months of gestation. In medical terms, the beginning of gestational age is counted from the first day of the last menstrual period. If we disregard the obstetric method of calculation, pregnancy begins at conception (fertilization of the female germ cell by a sperm cell after ovulation) and the birth of a fetus (blastocyst) in the womb. This term will be two weeks less than the obstetric term – 30 weeks, or the middle of the eighth month of pregnancy.
Development of the Baby at 32 Weeks of Pregnancy
By the eighth month of gestation, the embryo grows to 42 cm, and the baby’s weight at 32 weeks of pregnancy is about 1.8 kilograms. These are approximate figures, small deviations from these figures – whether up or down – can occur. As a rule, the size and development of the fetus in the 32nd week of pregnancy is determined by hereditary factors.
- The baby’s immune system begins to work: protective antibodies are produced, which will begin to act immediately after the baby is born.
- The accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin continues. It takes on the function of thermoregulation, preventing hypothermia of the baby after birth.
- The initial fluff disappears and the scalp hair is still sparse, but the hair structure strengthens.
- The skin acquires a more natural beige-pink color, rounded cheeks, arms and legs.
- The glands of internal secretion – thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pancreas – are functioning. They release hormones that regulate the body’s endocrine system.
- Reacting to light, the child can distinguish day from night. He hears household noises well, and responds to the voice of the mother and father.
- The respiratory system develops, as the baby tries to take breaths by swallowing amniotic fluid.
Bone tissue is strengthened, but the bones of the skull remain mobile and flexible. They will make it easier for the baby's head to pass through the birth canal.
Your baby's size
- Length
- 42 cm (1.38 ft.)
- Weighs
- 1800 g (3.97 lbs)
Feelings and Changes in a Woman’s Body
With the onset of 32 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother is thinking more and more about the upcoming birth. She cares about an important question: how to prepare for this process, so that everything goes smoothly and without complications. A gynecologist can help at this stage. A good doctor will listen to all worries and fears of the patient, calm her down and give valuable recommendations. For those women who decide to give birth for a fee, it is time to start looking for a qualified and experienced doctor.
Most expectant mothers on maternity leave begin to develop the so-called nesting syndrome. The woman wants to urgently equip the house, involving all her loved ones in the process.
It seems to her that the child may be born at any moment, and she has no time. Of course, it is best not to panic, and calmly and consistently prepare for the baby coming into the world throughout the pregnancy – not all at once.
The 32nd week of pregnancy brings a pregnant woman and her loved ones the joy of communicating with the baby. The movements are now felt not only by the mother. The baby pushes, kicks, hiccups, tosses and turns – all his actions can be not only felt with a hand, but also seen by the changes in the shape of the belly. Meanwhile, a woman’s feelings are sometimes clouded by various ailments: false contractions, frequent urination, stomach problems. It is important to remember that these are temporary phenomenas, which will disappear after delivery.
Abdominal Size and Weight
It is considered normal if a woman has become 11 kg heavier since the beginning of the term. Most of the body weight of a pregnant woman is the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks of pregnancy, amniotic fluid and baby’s seat. The growing uterus has an impact on the woman’s well-being.
- The diaphragm is increasingly squeezed, making it difficult to breathe freely at times. From below the uterus affects the bladder, by this time the expectant mother is used to frequent visits to the toilet.
- Women who have always had digestive problems may have increased malaise, sometimes reaching the point of nausea and vomiting. So it is better not to overeat, eat often and in small portions.
- Because of the rapid growth of the uterus, the skin stretches on the abdomen, and to avoid leaving marks, it is best and recommended to moisturize it with special creams. To move comfortably and experience less fatigue, wear a bandage belt, which helps to minimize the load that the spine receives.
In the position on the back, blood flow suffers due to compression of the vena cava. This can lead to fainting of the mother and oxygen deprivation of the baby. When resting, it is best to lie on your side.
Possible Problems
Pain in the 32nd Week of Pregnancy
Late pregnancy is not without unpleasant painful sensations. Some moms are bothered by them very rarely, which indicates high stamina and good health. Other women are constantly experiencing discomfort that has to be endured until the birth of the child.
- Pain in the abdomen and lower back is caused by the large fetus stretching the uterus. Thus, the woman experiences discomfort that is often accompanied by itching.
- Pain in the pelvic area is caused by the divergence of the pelvic bones. This process goes on throughout pregnancy and is especially felt near the end of pregnancy.
- Pain in the head and cervical region often bother women who suffer from pressure fluctuations. At the same time, the expectant mother feels weakness and sleepiness. If the headache does not go away, there is severe swelling, nausea all the time – urgently call and go to the doctor. There are signs of late toxicity, which threatens the life of the woman and child.
- Subcostal pain is due to the baby’s vigorous activity. Moving in the uterine cavity, as the baby can abruptly straighten its arms or legs, which causes discomfort to the mother.
Temperatures and Colds
Prevention is the best way to avoid colds. Therefore, during pregnancy, a woman should take precautions: do not visit places with large crowds of people, take vitamins, dress warmer in cold weather. If you cannot avoid the disease, you should see a general practitioner as soon as possible and adhere to the following recommendations:
- Monitor the body temperature. If it approaches 38 degrees, take paracetamol and wait for the doctor.
- Take medications only as prescribed by the doctor, so as not to harm the child.
- Use herbal medicine and traditional methods of treating colds. But in no case without a doctor’s recommendation should you drink infusions of herbs.
- Ventilate the room as often as possible, drink more fluids.
Note that during pregnancy, a woman’s body temperature is elevated. If it is 37 degrees or slightly higher, it is normal.
Discharge during the 32nd Week of Pregnancy
In the 32nd week of pregnancy, bloody or watery discharge is a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid and the beginning of the labor process. In this case, it is necessary to get to the maternity hospital as soon as possible, so that the woman was given qualified help.
Normal secretions should have no smell, have a whitish color and a homogeneous consistency.
If the discharge from the genital tracts differs from the above, it means that there is an infection or inflammatory process. Most often in late pregnancy cycles, women suffer from thrush, which must be treated before delivery.
Intimate Life at 32 Weeks of Pregnancy
As a rule, gynecologists do not consider pregnancy a contraindication to continue sexual relations. The exception is the early period of pregnancy, when the woman suffers from toxicosis or there is a threat of miscarriage. In such a case, the doctor will advise the couple to wait out the dangerous period. With regard to week 32, intimacy is not prohibited, but doctors recommend refraining from excessive activity in this matter, in order to avoid a premature birth.
Recommendations for Expectant Mothers
- Make a list of things you will need at the maternity hospital and pack them in a separate bag. Normally, the pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but after 30 weeks, the labor can begin at any time; you should be ready for it. For the same purpose, going for a walk or a trip, take with you personal documents and medical records.
- If you have not yet purchased a special bra for pregnant and nursing mothers, it is time to buy it. Your breasts are noticeably heavier due to the swelling of the mammary glands, and it is important that they are not squeezed or constricted in a bra.
- Learn breathing exercises. It normalizes the restless emotional state, which occurs in late pregnancy, and will come in handy during childbirth.
Have a good distraction from unnecessary thoughts will help you spend time in a friendly company, go shopping, or take a course to prepare for motherhood. Once you go on maternity leave, you can brighten up your everyday life with these activities.
Nutritional Advice
Dear moms-to-be of Mama’s are Cool! It’s time to think about a balanced diet and to compose a menu that will allow you to curb the rapid weight gain at a late term. Proceeding to this issue, adhere to the main principle – the food must be healthy and non-caloric. A proper diet should include fish and beef, seafood and by-products, dairy products, vegetable soups and cereal porridge, vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water, berry decoctions and compotes.
If you feel nauseated, which is often the case with overeating, eat small portions every two to three hours. In order not to harm the baby, who receives nutrients through the placenta, you need to give up fatty and salty foods, alcohol, coffee, canned foods and fast food.
Vitamins at 32 Weeks of Pregnancy
Many mothers are worried about the question: is it worth taking pharmaceutical drugs to make up for the lack of vitamins in the body? Opinions on this subject differ, but only a supervising doctor can answer unequivocally. According to the results of tests, which the pregnant woman takes before each visit, the doctor determines whether there is a deficiency of nutrients: calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C, D, E. If your doctor writes a prescription, it is better not to refuse to buy the drug. Lack of vitamins can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the fetus.
Physical Activity
When the 32nd week of pregnancy is on the calendar, a woman freed from work has more free time. It would seem to be the right time to do nothing and rest at your pleasure. But experts recommend diluting passive rest with physical activity. Here are just some of its benefits:
- Increasing the general tone of the body;
- Improve blood circulation and prevention of seasonal diseases;
- Mood elevation;
- Training of muscles and breathing before labor;
- Quick recovery after delivery.
Whatever the expectant mother does – dancing, water aerobics, yoga, gymnastics or just walking – it is important to know the limits of exercise. Lifting heavy objects and overexertion should be avoided.
Necessary Examinations and Analyses
At the end of the first trimester, the expectant mother underwent a triple test (for alpha-fetoprotein protein, estriol and hormones hCG). If no abnormal results were found, the pregnant woman will now undergo a standard set of tests until delivery: general clinical tests of urine and blood, a smear to check for infections.
At an appointment at 32 weeks, the doctor performs the following procedures:
- Transcription of urinalysis (its indicators help to identify inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system);
- Transcript of blood analysis (special attention is paid to the level of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the oxygen saturation of the body);
- Measurement of weight and blood pressure;
- Listening to the fetal heart rate through a stethoscope;
- Measurement of the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine floor.
- Additional examinations are prescribed if there is a weighty reason: worsening of the well-being, discovery of abnormalities in fetal development, etc.
When the thirty-second week of pregnancy, gynecologists send the patient to the third routine ultrasound. This procedure is mandatory for all women who are registered, and allows:
- Evaluate the rate of fetal development (to decipher the measurements, the diagnostician uses a table of norms of weight and growth of the child by weeks of pregnancy);
- Determine the degree of maturity and presentation of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the condition of the umbilical cord;
- Examine the cervix, and lastly;
- To confirm the sex of the baby.