Learn what’s happening in week 9 of pregnancy and find out how your baby is developing.
During the ninth week of pregnancy, you and your little one are going through so many changes.
Your baby is now the size of green olive and is busy building muscle. His/her organs and nerves are all starting to function. At this point in pregnancy, you’re probably feeling extremely tired, emotional, and lacking in concentration at work.
Some women will tell right away they are pregnant while others will wait as long as they can because they fear their pregnancy will affect how their co-workers or bosses view them.
Usually, women wait until they’re in the second trimester when their pregnancy is well established. However, if you’re suffering from nausea or vomiting, you may have to tell your boss about your pregnancy earlier.
What Happens in Your Body in Pregnancy Week 9?
Women may not look pregnant yet, even though your waist has become thicker and you probably feel very pregnant.
You may experience many frustrating pregnancy symptoms at 9 weeks, including morning sickness, mood swings and fatigue. It is perfectly normal to feel happy and terrified at the same time about becoming a parent.
Most women find that moodiness eases up in the second trimester. Breast growth is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy at 9 weeks, so find a well-fitting and comfortable bra to help you feel better through this transitional stage.
Changes in Your Body at 9 Week Pregnant
At week nine, your body is going through numerous changes. From morning sickness to fatigue and breakouts, and all of these symptoms of pregnancy are a result of hormones.
Fatigue is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy as your body undergoes various changes to accommodate your growing baby and these changes take a toll on your energy level.
So, take the time to relax your body and add more sleeping time to your day.
Your uterus is still growing rapidly and you’re probably feeling bloated and lethargic. This is a result of the increase in pregnancy hormones. Many women also experience severe mood swings during this week.
Your Baby at 9 Week of Pregnancy
During the 9th week of pregnancy, your baby is busy growing and will be one inch long and the size of a medium olive. Your baby’s eyes are fully formed but concealed, and the nose, ears, and lips are becoming more defined.
Your little one’s fingers and toes are looking less like stubs and the reproductive organs are developing.
All organs, muscles, and nerves are starting to function and the baby begins to put on weight. The embryonic tail should have disappeared by now.
The placenta is also developed enough to take over most of the job of producing hormones. Your baby is making movements of his/her arms and legs, but you won’t be able to feel the movements.
Your baby’s heart is developed enough and its beats can be heard with a handheld ultrasound device called Doppler.
This device amplifies the lub-dub sound the baby’s heart makes. But, don’t worry if your doctor can’t pick up the sound of your baby’s heartbeat at this stage. This just means that your baby is hiding in your uterus or has his/her back facing out, so it may be hard for the Doppler to find its target.
Pregnancy Week 9 Tips
Thinking about your baby can bring you joy, but it may also add to your stress level. If you’re struggling with stress and anxiety during week nine, turn to your friends or partner for extra support.
Some women find solace in yoga and breathing exercises. Talk to your partner and help him understand what you are going through now.
If you aren’t receiving prenatal care already, now is the time. It may be difficult to eat due to nausea, but it’s important to eat protein and carbohydrate-rich foods whenever you can. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially if you’re vomiting or suffering from morning sickness.
Avoid eating undercooked meat, eggs, or fish and wash all fruits and vegetables before eating.
Also, avoid unpasteurized milk and milk products as well as soft cheeses. Don’t drink more than one or two caffeinated drinks per day and take a folic acid supplement.