Gestational surrogacy is a long and winding process that even Khloe Kardashian summed it up as “challenging” as she thought of doing it too after seeing her sister Kim Kardashian went through it with her two youngest.
In the case of Jordana Brewster, after a number of rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF), it came to a point that there was no other way but through surrogacy. Her story entails the feeling of being the “odd woman out” because of her being unable to carry and give birth to her baby naturally, compared to her friends who easily went pregnant.
This is the reason why she is voicing these things out so that similar mothers’ situation should be talked about and not be stigmatized or be seen in such a way negatively.
With all the nerve-wracking decision-making and tests upon tests, mothers who chose the path of surrogacy show such strength and love of life that it earns undoubted respect.